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Cambodia Changes Gambling Laws in Crackdown on Illegal Gaming

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The Ministry of Interior in Cambodia has announced it has completely amended the Law on the Suppression of Gambling to update the legislation for the modern era.

Led by Minister Try Sokheng, the Undersecretary of State, the 1996 Gambling Law has had several rewrites, and last week's meeting was to present the final proposed changes.

The government has expressed that with the proliferation of the online gambling market the law from 1996 was no longer fit for purpose and certain loopholes within the current legislation needed to be addressed in the regulatory gaming framework.

The current legislation does not cover many activities of online gaming operators such as anti-money laundering laws for digital gambling companies.

Related: Cambodia Looks to Law Overhaul in Efforts to Combat Illegal Gambling

Clarification of Online Gaming Offences

These new proposals provide an outline in gambling legislation of the sanctions that gaming operators can expect for any breaches of this amended law. The legislation also needed updating to complement the more recent regulatory framework, the Law on Commercial Gambling Management.

We are preparing this new law with the purpose of clearly defining offenses of illegal gambling and the kinds of gambling we aim to crack down on. It also provides clear definitions of the legal consequences for gamblers and operators. We have ensured that it interconnects with other relevant legislation and will fill a void in the Kingdom’s laws.

Try SokhengMinistry Undersecretary of State

The government has stated that as well as tightening up on gambling legislation it wants local authorities to take a proactive approach to gaming regulation and take actions to prevent illegal gambling activities. It references the ten lottery companies that have licenses that have expired but continue to operate.

The licenses of 10 lottery firms – in over 60 locations – have expired and will not be renewed. If they continue to operate, the authorities must take action. We will not grant any new permits.

Khuong SrengMunicipal Governor Khuong Sreng of Phnom Penh

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