European Lotteries’ New Manifesto Champions Responsible Gaming

The European Lotteries' latest manifesto promotes a sustainable gaming model, highlighting the well-established tradition of lotteries supporting good causes.

European Lotteries calls for a responsible and sustainable gaming model.

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The European Lotteries (EL) represents Europe’s leading lottery and gambling sector. Its latest manifesto promotes the well-established tradition of lotteries supporting good causes. The manifesto sets out a framework to ensure the industry remains accountable and responsible amid rapid technological changes.

Lotteries have been a part of European society since 1441, starting in Bruges, Belgium, where proceeds from prize games funded public projects. This commitment to public good continues across all EU member states. In 2022 alone, EL members generated over €22 billion for public causes.

This unique model and the important societal role lotteries play deserve to be safeguarded at both national and EU levels.

Manifesto 2024European Lotteries

Key Points of the EL Manifesto 2024

Acknowledging the specific risks associated with gambling, EL members emphasize the need for careful government control. The manifesto notes that lotteries are regulated individually by each country, allowing for tailored national rules. European lotteries operate under strict licensing and legal requirements, including policies for anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing, and responsible gaming. This ensures consumers can enjoy gambling as a positive pastime without significant harm.

The manifesto outlines several key focus areas aimed at enhancing the social impact of lotteries while reducing potential harms. Collaboration with EU institutions to preserve the historical traditions and principles of lotteries is a priority. EL also calls for the inclusion of lotteries in future social taxonomies to provide fair access to investors and insurers.

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Commitment to a Sustainable Lottery Model

Addressing illegal operators and preventing the misuse of AI technology are priorities. Responsible advertising is necessary to direct users to regulated offerings. Sports integrity is also emphasized, with EL condemning match manipulation and urging EU member states to support the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions.

EL’s manifesto argues for a balanced regulatory approach. The lotteries support justified restrictions for public interest, aiming for a sustainable gaming model that prioritizes public benefit, responsible gaming, and effective regulation in order to ensure the continued positive social impact of lotteries.

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