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First Look Games Signs RAW iGaming as Partner

First Look Games has announced that it has signed RAW iGaming, the innovative games studio, as its latest partner.

RAW iGaming rose to prominence last year with the launch of its Super Slice engine, which replaces reels with wheels. The developer is set to promote itself using First Look Games’ network of more than 800 approved affiliates. The aim is to increase its exposure with slot operators in Europe and elsewhere.

The partnership will enable RAW iGaming to share information about its slots together with marketing materials such as logos and gameplay videos. The assets are held in a special library accessible to affiliates.

RAW will be able to manage its information and assets using the FLG Studio Management Centre, where it is also able to add or remove jurisdictions for each game and highlight exclusivity agreements.

RAW iGaming has made a big splash in the market, but by using the First Look Games platform, the studio can leverage the power of affiliate marketing to drive awareness among more players and operators than ever before. Our approved publishers have a combined player audience in excess of 20 million people, and we allow studios such as RAW iGaming to engage with this huge community of players easily and with confidence that any information published about their slots is accurate and responsible.

Tom GalanisFirst Look Games Co-Founder

Tom Wood, the CEO at RAW iGaming, described the company as “a pink shark, something completely new in an endless sea of similar games”. He explained that the partnership “allows us to leverage the reach of affiliates to better promote our games and introduce our new patent-pending, innovative mechanics.”

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