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Gambling Awareness Education Program Offered to UK Cricket Teams

A unique four-year partnership has been announced between the Professional Cricketers’ Association and Epic Risk Management, in which both parties will provide gambling awareness-related education programs across all the UK’s County and region squads.

The education program will form part of the Professional Cricketers’ Association’s Personal Development and Welfare Program.

Patrick Foster - Director of Epic Risk Management

We are delighted to continue our work with the Professional Cricketers’ Association. In 2021 we have been able to provide sessions for the county academies and women’s regional teams, conducting these sessions digitally during lockdown and more recently in person. The initial feedback from players has been really encouraging, with the squads showing great interest in the vital message we’ve been delivering; they’ve asked plenty of pertinent questions and demonstrated a lot of understanding how important an issue it is. We’re particularly pleased to have been delivering these sessions to the women’s regional teams, which is an important step for all parties as the profile and reward of their competition grows. We’re delighted with this start and looking forward to extending our partnership into the future.

Patrick FosterDirector of Epic Risk Management

The Personal Development and Welfare Program will support the welfare and wellbeing of players by teaching intervention and gambling harm awareness strategies.

The roll-out of the program is comprised of four steps. The first year will see the program offered to all county academies and women’s regional teams.

The second to all county professional squads, the third to county academies and women’s regional teams, with the final year being made available to all county professional squads.

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