MERKUR UK Fund Planting of Thousands of Trees for Environmental Sustainability

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MERKUR UK, a leading land-based gaming company, has reaffirmed its commitment to environmental sustainability by partnering with Ecologi, a prominent climate action platform. Ecologi's mission is to inspire and empower businesses to accelerate global climate action.

As part of its initial engagement with Ecologi, MERKUR has generously funded the planting of 25,000 trees. This initiative builds upon the company's environmental efforts in 2021, where it underwrote the costs of planting 1,500 trees in support of the National Trust's Woodland Appeal.

Tony Boulton, MERKUR UK's Director of Public and Political Relations, emphasized that the association with the National Trust and the partnership with Ecologi are integral components of the company's broader 360 social purpose program.

Although 360 is most often associated with MERKUR UK’s unstinting commitment to safer gambling it was established with a remit to address broad social responsibility issues not least those related to the environment.

Tony BoultonMERKUR UK's Director of Public and Political Relations

Thinking of the Future

The Ecologi platform boasts over 40,000 customers who actively contribute to tree planting and support independently certified, high-quality climate solutions. The significance of tree planting extends beyond the surface level. Trees play a critical role in improving valuable habitats, promoting biodiversity by serving as sanctuaries for wildlife and making a tangible impact on carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

In just two years, Ecologi has tripled its funding of trees to an impressive 65 million. MERKUR UK has announced its excitement to be part of such a fantastic program of work and make a meaningful contribution to this remarkable achievement.

By investing in the planting of 25,000 trees, MERKUR UK is making a tangible difference in the fight against climate change. Trees act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aligns with the company's broader commitment to sustainable practices and demonstrates its dedication to mitigating its environmental impact.

Furthermore, the 360 social purpose program showcases MERKUR UK's holistic approach to corporate citizenship. By addressing not only the issue of responsible gambling but also broader social concerns, including the environment, the company sets a positive example for the gaming industry.

Noteworthy Collaboration

MERKUR UK's collaboration with Ecologi not only contributes to a greener future but also encourages other businesses to take action. By joining forces with like-minded organizations, MERKUR UK amplifies the collective impact of climate initiatives, inspiring others to follow suit.

As the urgent need for climate action becomes increasingly evident, MERKUR UK's commitment to environmental sustainability stands as a shining example. By funding the planting of 25,000 trees through Ecologi, the company actively contributes to the preservation of natural habitats, the enhancement of biodiversity, and the reduction of carbon emissions.

With its 360 social purpose program, MERKUR UK continues to be a progressive corporate citizen in the land-based gaming industry, demonstrating that businesses can make a positive difference in addressing global challenges.

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