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New Gambling Regulations Published by Brazilian Ministry of Finance

Brazil's Ministry of Finance has recently issued new regulations that will oversee the nation's burgeoning regulated sports betting sector, which is poised for imminent launch.

Brazilian government releases new gambling regulations.

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Detailed in an ordinance published in the Federal Official Gazette and issued by the Betting and Prizes Secretariat, these rules are designed to guarantee the integrity and security of the sports betting industry. The new gaming regulations are part of a broader effort to create a robust legal framework that supports fair play and protects consumers within this rapidly expanding market.

Betting Systems, Technology and Security

The newly published Normative Ordinance No. 722 contains rules relating to betting systems, technology, and security requirements. In particular, it provides details of situations where data centers are allowed to be based outside of Brazil.

A data center may be abroad if the host country has an International Legal Cooperation Agreement with Brazil covering both criminal and civil matters. Furthermore, foreign data holders must authorize the data transfer in advance and Brazil’s Ministry of Finance must have complete access to the data.

This means that an operator is able to maintain their platform abroad but must justify it to the SPA. Other rules include the requirement of a data center to have ISO 27001 certification and for operators to only use “” domains.

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Player Protection Remains Top Priority

Operators are also required to comply with Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (LGPD) with proper security measures and must also obtain explicit user permission for data collection. Customers must also have the ability to review and delete their data.

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The new laws align with Brazil’s current push to create a strong regulatory foundation for its gambling market. The next regulatory update will focus on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing and will also contain details about live dealer licensing.


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