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Operators Make Changes to Irish Lottery after No Jackpot Win

The operators of the Irish national lottery are seeking regulatory approval to investigate and make changes to the Irish lottery after six months of no jackpot win.

The Irish National Lottery has been a source of controversy after no winner has emerged for six months prompting calls for the lottery to be probed and its number of balls to be reduced to end the marathon winnerless rollover.

The clamor for the lottery to be investigated was made more pronounced by the Fine Gael TD, Irish MP) Bernard Durkan, who referred to the legendary racehorse, Shergar, as having more chances to win Squid game than an Irish citizen winning the National lottery.

The operators have responded to the calls by seeking approval from the regulatory body to increase the chances of a jackpot win by implementing the must-be-won draw.

This draw policy is being practiced in the UK’s National lottery, where the prize money is shared between all players who match two or more numbers if no one matches the six numbers in the last five draws.

Deputy Bernard Durkan Irish MP

This move by Premier Lotteries Ireland also amounts to an acknowledgment that the six-month rollover to date is unsustainable. A system that leads to 54 consecutive rollovers before tonight’s draw, is flawed and we need to see a long-term plan to ensure this does not continue into the future.

Deputy Bernard DurkanIrish MP

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