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Paddy Power Raises £832,000 for Prostate Cancer UK

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Paddy Power has been running a campaign with the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) to raise money for the charity Prostate Cancer UK. The campaign, known as ‘The Big 180,’ began on November 30, 2023 and has so far raised £823,000 (roughly $1 million).

For every 180 score achieved in the championship, the initiative contributes £1,000. The goal is to exceed £1 million by the end of the tournament. Currently, 832 180s have been scored and there are three matches remaining.

Campaign Proposal Mt with Concern

PDC Chief Executive Matthew Porter expressed his initial concerns about the campaign.

When our new sponsors Paddy Power suggested pranking our players two weeks out from the tournament to get the public’s attention, it sounded like a huge risk. Ultimately, it was one we were willing to take if it meant the millions of men who tune into the World Darts Championship, alongside their loved ones, are encouraged to take 30 seconds to check their risk.

Matthew PorterPDC Chief Executive

Chris Dobey, leading the Ballon D’art Leaderboard with 43 180s, was recently eliminated from the quarter-finals. This leaves Luke Humphries, the young prodigy Luke Littler, Rob Cross, and Scott Williams in the race to increase the 180 count. Rachael Kane, a spokesperson for Paddy Power, anticipates a potential record-breaking number of 180s this year, exceeding the previous record of 901.

Campaign Deemed a Success

This campaign has resulted in significant engagement, with 51,381 men completing Prostate Cancer UK’s risk-check questionnaire.

Laura Kerby, CEO of Prostate Cancer UK, explained the importance of the campaign. She said that prostate cancer is curable when caught early but as it often has no symptoms, it is vital that men know the risks and she urged 180,000 fans to complete the simple online risk checker during the tournament.

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