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Push for Smoking Ban in Nevada Casinos Plays on Responsible Gambling Angle

The push to ban smoking in Nevada casinos has gained renewed attention as Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR), a California-based nonprofit, has directed criticism at the casino industry over its stance on indoor smoking. It's now equating the need to ban smoking in casinos as a responsible gambling issue.

A gambler smokes while playing a video gaming terminal in a Las Vegas casino. (Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal)
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In an open letter sent on September 19 to Jennifer Togliatti, chair of the Nevada Gaming Commission (NGC), ANR expressed concerns over what it views as a contradictory position taken by casinos. While these establishments profess support for responsible gambling initiatives, they continue to allow indoor smoking, which the group argues undermines efforts to create a healthier and safer environment for patrons and employees.

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According to a press release that accompanied the letter, ANR urged Nevada gambling regulators to reevaluate the impact that indoor smoking has on the industry's commitment to responsible gaming. The group contends that smoke-free policies would not only promote responsible gaming but also ensure a healthier atmosphere for casino visitors and workers.

The letter highlights that smoking inside casinos exposes individuals to secondhand smoke, which can have severe health consequences. It suggests that gambling responsibly should extend beyond financial and mental safeguards to include creating an environment that is physically safe and free of harmful toxins.

While some regions have been resistant to adopting smoke-free policies in gambling establishments, like Atlantic City, New Jersey, others have made the switch, citing both health and business benefits. Advocates like ANR argue that as public sentiment increasingly favors smoke-free environments, it is time for Nevada to reconsider its stance, particularly in light of the growing awareness around health and safety in workplace settings.

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NGC Remains Non-Committal

In response to ANR's letter, Togliatti acknowledged the concerns raised but clarified that she could not provide commentary on policy matters without compliance with Nevada's open meeting laws. As a member of the five-person Nevada Gaming Commission, Togliatti emphasized that the commission's decisions and discussions must take place in public forums, and she is not authorized to unilaterally make or comment on regulatory changes.

Any potential discussion regarding a smoking ban would require input from the entire commission and public deliberation. Given the legal framework under which the NGC operates, any major policy changes regarding smoking would need to follow the state's transparent decision-making processes.

The current legal framework for indoor smoking in Nevada was established in 2006 with the passage of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. The law prohibits smoking in almost all public places, including restaurants, bars, and government buildings. However, casinos and gaming facilities were notably exempted from the restrictions, allowing patrons to smoke while gambling at slot machines, tables, and other gaming areas. This exception has remained a contentious issue, with public health advocates and casino workers frequently calling for the law to be amended to include gaming venues under its jurisdiction.


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