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South Dakota Tables Law for Sports Betting to Go Statewide

Politicians in the US state of South Dakota have introduced legislation, Senate Joint Resolution 507, that will amend the constitution in the region to expand mobile and digital sports betting across the state.

Picture of legislative center in South Dakota introducing a new online sports betting resolution (Source: Wikipedia).
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The bill was proposed by Sen. Steve Kolbeck and under details of the proposal will allow customers anywhere in the state to place sports wagers online. Currently, there are restrictions on gaming legislation that means sports betting is only permitted in certain locations in South Dakota.

The resolution does include some limitations in the proposed legislative framework which includes any online sports betting platforms in South Dakota must be partnered with licensed casinos in the state. Additionally it stipulates that all servers connected to sports betting platforms in South Dakota must be located in Deadwood.

Sports betting in South Dakota has been allowed in Deadwood and tribal lands since a public vote in 2020 passed this amendment. There have been attempts to expand online sports betting throughout the entire state, however, there have been objections over the impact this would have on tribal gambling and a potential rise in problem gambling due to an increase in gaming across the region.

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Proposed Revenue to Go Towards Property Relief

If the resolution is approved it will be put to a vote in the general election in 2026, and will become legislation if the public vote in favor of the amendment.

The details of the proposed change, states that 90% of the tax revenue generated will be used for property tax relief in South Dakota, which will benefit residents in the state.

Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, providing for wagering on sporting events via mobile or electronic platform.

Senate Joint Resolution 507South Dakota


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