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The French and Belgian Gambling Regulators Sign an Agreement

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The Belgium Gambling Commission (BGC) has announced it has just signed a partnership with the French gaming regulator, Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) that will allow both parties to collaborate with each other on gambling regulation.

The deal was signed by Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, chairwoman of the ANJ, and Magali Clavie, chairwoman of the BGC, during the European Gaming Regulators Forum (GREF) conference held in Norway at the start of the month.

Under the terms of the partnership, the ANJ and the BGC are hoping that by creating a closer relationship of cooperation, both countries can provide a safer gambling environment for the players in the jurisdictions.

In a series of articles in the agreement, the BGC and the ANJ have outlined the areas where they want to collaborate. This includes the licensing process of each jurisdiction and monitoring the stakeholders who receive the licenses.

There will also be a focus on the gaming operators in both countries, and regulators will look at the rules that govern how the gaming companies advertise and how that impacts the potential of problem gambling.

Other topics covered by both regulators are the planned cooperation between the BGC and the ANJ in the fight against fraud and money laundering in both jurisdictions.

The deal will see the regulators monitor the state of gambling in the two jurisdictions and combine investigations on any issues in the regulated gaming markets of both countries. All of these plans require that both regulators have an exchange of information.

Both regulators have also indicated in the agreement that they will produce combined reports on the state of the gambling markets in each country and on any joint surveys or investigative studies that are carried out.

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