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UK National Lottery Faces Issues Following Global IT Problems

Over the weekend, customers wanting to access the United Kingdom (UK) National Lottery services on its digital platforms were unable to do so following the far-reaching effects of global Crowdstrike IT disruption at the end of last week.

UK National Lottery faces reports of outage issues.

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Players were unable to use their National Lottery accounts, to view details or purchase Lottery products. This affected the digital platforms of the UK Lottery with players unable to gain both website and app access.

The Lottery operator became aware of the outage problems when it received over 2,000 complaints from users reporting these issues, with most of the problems coming from users residing in the areas of London, Manchester, and Glasgow. A breakdown of the reports showed 54% of the issues related to the app, while 39% concerned the website.

Services at terminals remained unaffected and users visiting retail outlets were still able to purchase Lottery tickets as normal.

We are aware that some players are having issues accessing our website and app. Apologies for the inconvenience, our team is currently investigating the issue to find out what has happened.

StatementThe UK National Lottery

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It Is Unclear If the Global Outage Caused National Lottery Issues

Allwyn, the company that operates the UK National Lottery, was unable to say whether the issues it faced with its digital platforms were a result of the global problems caused by the Microsoft update that took place last week. This comes as Allwyn is enjoying strong revenue this year.

The global IT crisis that affected large parts of all industries worldwide occurred when a bug in a software update from IT company Crowdstrike had a serious impact on Microsoft and the wider IT industry.

Many industries worldwide were thrown into chaos and saw their digital platforms crash. Some of the industries affected were airports, healthcare, and the banking sector, whose services also faced serious disruption.


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