UKGC Gambling Survey Highlights UK Wagering Activities
The United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC), the region's betting regulator, has announced the release of its report the Gambling Survey for Great Britain (GSGB), which delves into wagering habits in the UK.

Gambling Commission releases GSGB report showing UK gambling activities.
The survey involved more than 5,000 participants aged eighteen and over for the period between November 2023 and February 2024. The UKGC says it is using a set of surveys of the gambling public in the UK, so the organization and industry stakeholders can get a better understanding of the wagering activities of gamblers in the jurisdiction.
In a breakdown of the results, it could be seen that when asked if they had gambled in the previous four weeks 48% of those taking part said they had placed a wager. The majority of those cited buying lottery tickets as their gambling activity, with 27% of those surveyed stating they had participated in other forms of betting.
The age range most likely to place a wager was shown to be 35-64 among men. However, this age range dropped to another band when excluding lottery ticket purchases to 18-44. When asked in the report why they gambled the most popular answers were for fun and enjoyment.
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Reasons for the GSGB
The UKGC introduced research through the GSGB surveys in 2020 and has produced a report that it says is a reflection of the current gambling sector in the region. The survey is comprehensive and takes into account the views of nearly 20,000 respondents each year.
The UKGC states the research is also important so that industry stakeholders can measure gambling related harms and gain more understanding of players' gambling behavior. This research should then allow stakeholders in the gaming industry to develop responsible gambling policies and guidelines to create a safe environment for gamblers.
The Gambling Survey for Great Britain (GSGB) collects our official statistics on gambling behaviour in Great Britain. The GSGB is currently the largest survey about people's gambling behaviours in the world, collecting data from 20,000 respondents each year. This information helps us better understand people’s attitudes and gambling behaviours up and down the country, creating a robust source of evidence for gambling in Great Britain.
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